Learn about Positive Energy Districts

This learning platform is for professionals who are actively involved in a European PED project and others who are interested in smart city solutions.

PED Learning Community

Project ATELIER has initiated this PED learning platform and developed a first introductory module, PED Start Guide. 
We aim to build a PED Learning Community together with YOU and be able to develop many more online courses and other learning activities.
We invite you to comment, review, share and express your interest for future courses. Please also let us know if you have an idea for a PED related course topic or if you wish to contribute as an expert or co-developer.

Learn & Share

Gain new knowledge

As a first step we have launched a first introductory module on PED's, the PED Start Guide. We vision that this platform will soon be filled with many new online courses, webinars and extra reading & video materials on the different aspects of Positive Energy Districts. 

Translate knowledge into action

Our courses and workshops aim to provide new skills via a practical approach. We combine and share academic knowledge with practical experiences coming from running EU funded PED projects.  

Share your experiences

The emerging knowledge on PEDs and their contribution to societal goals, such as climate change mitigation, will be used in upscaling and replication strategies and policies. The platform will support city stakeholders through best practices and sharing successful replication approaches across cities. 

PED Community

All European PED projects have an experimental character. Professionals who are involved in these projects learn new skills and gain new knowledge on a daily basis. Most importantly they learn from each other. Join us!

The development of this learning platform has been sponsored by the Centre of Expertise City Net Zero of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. 

How does this 
platform work?

This video explains the different platform functionalities. Next to following online courses we encourage you to discuss topics on our community page. Share webinars, articles and experiences. 
Write your awesome label here.

Our courses